Monday, 16 November 2009

I don't believe it!

Andy isn't here yet. He's on his way back and when he gets here I know he'll want to thank you guys personally.
I couldn't comprehend what I was reading last night in the comments here. It wasn't until Anthony called me and confirmed it, and got Andy to say hello, that I let myself believe it was going to be ok. Even now I don't feel like it's going to sink in until Andy's back here and I can see him with my own eyes.
I can't tell you enough how grateful I am. You were amazing, absolute heroes, every one of you. And that Spearman guy - I can't believe what he did. Imagine risking yourself like that for a stranger. I hope he got away somehow, I really do.
I'm hoping life can get back to normal now. I know Andy will need some time to recuperate and we'll both be very paranoid for a while. Anthony thinks that as long as we don't go shouting this story to the rooftops we'll be ok - Lox will be too busy trying to chase him down to bother about small fry like us, and it's all Andy's word against his - if Andy could even identify him. I get the impression he was blindfolded or kept in darkness a lot of the time.
Thank you, everyone. Thank you so much.


  1. I'm so glad that this story had a happy ending. Looking forward to hearing from Andy soon.

    Fingers crossed for spearman.

  2. Glad we could be of assistance. *Toasts Spearman (with a cup of green tea)*

  3. OK, we'll keep quiet, Ellis. I understand. Fof everyone's sake, 'Fight Club' and all that. I have a feeling this is not over. I have a feeling Spearman still needs us. We'll be there.

    Enjoy your time with Andy. Help him recover and look after each other. Don't let Andy get mixed up with the likes of Lox again.

    We all owe Box, and particularly Spearman, a lot. We won't forget.

    Take care.

  4. Hopefully Andy will be back with you asap x

  5. It was great to hear from Andy via e-mail a short while ago! I hope that with your help his recovery time is short and you can both enjoy each other's company again, and perhaps a less dangerous exciting adventure abroad in the future! Stay safe.
